Terms of Service
Please refer to the below to understand our policies regarding activity operations and cancellations, effective 1.1.2025
1. General Service Information
Anstead Acres is a small operation, with horse and staff commitments 52 weeks of the year. Your commitment to your lessons and activities with us ensures we can continue to provide quality care of our educated horses for your enjoyment, quality instruction to improve your riding, and enjoyable horse riding lessons and specialised activities.
‘Lesson or Lessons’ refers to riding lessons.
‘Activity or Activities’ refers to Holiday Day Camps, Pony Rides, Horse Experiences, Carrots Cuddles and Cupcakes, Ladies Ride.
‘Specialised Events’ refers to Clinics, Trails, Treks & Pony Parties.
‘Approved participant’ refers to a participant that meets the criteria for attendance.
1.1 Lesson Bookings & Management
Our lessons are purchased in blocks of 5, regardless of your lesson format. Once you have accepted a lesson time start date and time you have committed to booking 5 sequential dates of that weekly or fortnightly scheduled lesson slot. Once the last lesson approaches in your sequential series of dates, a block renewal is due to keep your lesson day and time.
At this point, rider/participants can either renew their block purchase and maintain their allocated lesson slot or relinquish the lesson slot to another rider/participant. A courtesy email notifying us of your intention to vacate your lesson slot is greatly appreciated. Your lesson slot is maintained for your attendance provided have a minimum of one lesson in credit.
1.2 Activity Bookings & Management
All Activities at Anstead Acres are to be prepaid in full to secure your spot in the activity. All activities are secured upon prepayment, in order of prepayment and finalised upon completion of paperwork
1.3 Specialised Event Bookings & Management
All ‘Specialised Events’ are secured with a 50% non-refundable deposit of the specialised event price and are ONLY secured by riders/participants upon pre-payment of the deposit.
The final balance for Treks is to be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the scheduled event.
The final balance for Clinics & Pony Parties is to be paid in full 4 weeks prior to the scheduled event.
The final balance for Trails is to be paid 2 weeks prior to the scheduled event.
1.4 Annual Operating Schedule
Anstead Acres closes every year for an extended break over the Christmas Period which is communicated to our regular rider/participants via Facebook Post once closure dates have been finalised. At all other times, we aim to operate as follows:
A) Adult Lessons (All formats / All Lesson Days)
All Adult Lessons, regardless of format run every week excluding our extended Christmas closure, irrespective of the Queensland gazetted School Holiday Periods.
B) Children Weekday Lessons
Children weekday lessons are paused over the Queensland Gazetted School Holiday Periods.
D) All Lessons, Activities & Specialised Events
All lessons, activities, and specialised events will operate as scheduled and are either modified to suit the weather conditions on our property, or cancelled by Anstead Acres if we deem it unsafe to operate with a modified program. See 2. Disruption to Scheduled Activities.
2. Disruption to Scheduled Activities & Lessons
Anstead Acres Activities & Lessons operate on sunny and rainy days when safe to proceed on our premises. These activities can be adapted to suit the weather conditions being experienced at Anstead Acres and alternative activities held in our undercover area may include, but not limited to, Horse Care, Husbandry, Horsemanship, Ground Skills or other non-ridden equine education activities or demonstrations.
​2.1 Notice of Disruption to Lessons and Scheduled Activities at Anstead Acres.
Notice of disruption to your scheduled activities at Anstead Acres will be communicated via our website: www.ansteadacres.com.au/activity-status at no less than 30 minutes prior to the start time of your scheduled activity.
The onus is on our participants and or parents/guardians to check this page before heading out to Anstead Acres as we are unable to contact everyone individually being a small team.
2.2 Notice of Disruption to Specialised Events
If there is a cancellation by Anstead Acres for any reason (i.e. illness, weather conditions, local fires or weather events or other situations beyond our control) we will strive to give as much notice as possible on all channels (text, email, and activity status page) to our booked riders/ participants or party hosts.
3. Valid Cancellation Notification
3.1 Cancellation by Rider / Participant / Pony Party Host
Any rider/participants who changes their mind and no longer wishes, or is unable to attend their scheduled lesson, activity, or specialised event at Anstead Acres, must advise us in writing via info@ansteadacres.com.au to have their cancellation formally accepted and eligibility (if applicable) for a make-up lesson opportunity. Phone calls, voice mails or text messages are not reliably received at our location and are not valid notification. For cancellation terms and conditions see 4. Terms of Cancellation by Rider/Participant / Parent.
Non-attendance of multiple sequential lessons for any reason must be lodged in writing to info@ansteadacres.com.au. Unused lessons will then become make-up lessons with the same conditions applicable. Please refer to 6. Make Up Lesson - Terms and Conditions.
3.2 Cancellation by Anstead Acres
If Anstead Acres cancels your lesson or activity we will post notification on our Activity Status Page on our Website, no less than 30 minutes prior to your scheduled activity start time.
If Anstead Acres cancels your Specialised Event, we will notify riders / participants or Pony Party hosts via text and email in addition to our Activity Status Page Notification.
4.Terms of Lesson Cancellation by Rider / Participant / Parent /
As a small business operating a couple of days a week, lesson cancellations impact our ability to recover staff and resource costs allocated to your missed lesson. ​
​4.1 Assessment Lesson Cancellation (48+ Hrs Notice from scheduled start time)
If you (or your child) change your mind, or are unable to attend your assessment lesson the following applies:
Valid Notification received 48 hours or more from your scheduled start time – we can reschedule your lesson (1 reschedule only). If you fail to attend the subsequent scheduled assessment lesson, the payment will be forfeited.
Notification received 48 hours or less from your scheduled start time – the lesson funds will be forfeited.
​​4.2 Regular Weekday GROUP, PRIVATE (LESSON HORSE) Cancellation (24 Hours or MORE Notice from scheduled start time)
If you (or your child) change your mind, or are unable to attend your regular weekday GROUP, PRIVATE (Lesson Horse) rider lesson the following applies:
Valid Notification received 24 hours or more – you are eligible for a make-up lesson. Please refer to 6. Make Up Lessons – Terms & Conditions.
Notification received 24 hours or less – the credit for that lesson is forfeited.
4.3 Regular PRIVATE (OWN HORSE) & SEMI PRIVATE (OWN HORSE) Lesson Cancellation (24 Hours or MORE Notice from scheduled start time)
If you (or your child) change their mind, or are unable to attend your regular PRIVATE or SEMI PRIVATE own horse lesson.
Private Lessons: Valid Notification received 24 hours or more – if your horse is on AA property you are eligible for your horse to be worked as deemed appropriate, in your absence, during your normal scheduled lesson time. The program of work for your horse will be agreed between instructor and rider.
Semi Private Lessons: Valid Notification received 24 hours or more – you are eligible for a make-up lesson. Please refer to 6. Make Up Lessons – Terms & Conditions.
Notification received 24 hours or less from your scheduled start time for either lesson type – the credit for that lesson is forfeited.
5.Terms of Activity Cancellation by Rider / Participant / Parent / Host.
5.1 Activity Cancellation by Rider/ Participant / Parent /
If you change your mind about attending, or are unable to attend, your booked activity your payment will be forfeited.
If you find an approved participant to take your place at the booked activity, we will transfer your booking to them and refund you the cost of the activity less a 50% transfer fee.
Please note that your refund is processed upon your replacement rider/participant’s payment being receipted 48 hours prior to the start time of the scheduled activity and refunded to you after the Activity.
If you fail to attend your activity, for any reason, the booking and all funds associated will be forfeited.
5.2 Terms of Specialised Event Cancellation by Rider / Participant/ Parent / Host.
If you change your mind about proceeding, or are unable to proceed, with any booked specialised event your 50% non-refundable deposit will be retained.
If you change your mind about proceeding, or are unable to proceed, with your booked Pony Party or Clinic between 4 weeks and greater than 2 weeks of the scheduled event start, we will refund your payment over and above the non-refundable deposit less an administrative fee of $50.00. If you cancel within less than 14 days of your scheduled Pony Party or Clinic all payments will be forfeited.
If you change your mind about proceeding, or are unable to proceed, with your booked Trail within 2 weeks and greater than 7 days, we will refund your payment over and above the deposit less an administrative fee of $50.00. If you cancel within 7 days of your Trail all payments will be forfeited.
If you change your mind about proceeding, or are unable to proceed, with your booked Trek between 8 weeks and greater than 4 weeks of the scheduled trek start, we will refund your payment over and above the deposit less an administrative fee of $50.00 and any costs applied by 3rd parties to your booking. If you cancel within 4 weeks of your Trek all payments will be forfeited. If you fail to attend any booked specialised event, for any reason, the booking and all funds associated will be forfeited.
6. Make Up Lessons - Terms & Conditions
6.1 Eligibility
You are eligible for a makeup lesson if you have provided a valid cancellation notification (See 3.) and within the notice period specified according to the riders lesson type in 4. Terms of Lesson Cancellation by Rider/Participant/ Parent.
6.2 Make Up Process
The following week, after your missed lesson, you will receive our Group Make-Up Email Mail-Out advertising future-dated make up lessons available . Please be aware availability varies from week to week (and can be limited) and we suggest you select a lesson promptly to avoid credit expiry. See 6.4 Make Up Conditions
Please be aware the make-up lesson you select is to be on a different time/ day to your regular scheduled lesson slot so as not to interfere with the ongoing lesson allocation.
6.3 Advance Notification
If you advise us of an intended absence with a minimum of 3 weeks’ notice prior to the date of the missed lesson please email info@ansteadacres.com.au directly and we may be able to assist with advance planning of your make up lesson.
6.4 Make Up Conditions
The below are the conditions of your Make Up Lesson:
Make Up Lessons are:
Make Up Lessons are:
Group Lessons Only (regardless of your normal lesson format). Make Up Lesson Slots advertised will only be on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Adults choose from adult lessons, parent/guardians from children’s lessons.
Co-ordinated by Group Make-Up Email Mail-Out circulated each week / fortnight listing available slots.
Only valid for rider selection if the lesson is NOT your regular scheduled lesson time.
For any rider level, with any Anstead Acres instructor teaching the format for that lesson.
Offered on a ‘first-in’ basis.
Unable to be changed, re-scheduled, or re-booked once Anstead Acres has replied to your email confirming the booking of your requested make-up lesson. Please choose with this understanding.
Adult Make Up lessons are valid for 6 weeks from the date of your missed lesson. If you do not select a lesson in that time limit your credit will expire. Please also see note in 6.3 ‘Advanced Notification’.
Children’s Make Up lessons are valid for the current Qld public school term i.e. All missed lessons during Term 1 of 2025 that are eligible for a make-up lesson are to be used by the last day of Qld public school term 1 2025, being Friday 4 April 2025. This same guideline will apply to Qld public school term 2, 3 & 4 of 2025. Please also see note in 6.3 ‘Advanced Notification’.
Once your make-up(s) have been scheduled / or your expiry period has passed (whatever comes first) your access to the Group Make-Up Email Mail-Out will cease.
If we do not receive ANY response from you in relation to your make your credit will expire within the expiry period above.
WE DO NOT issue any reminders or follow ups regarding make ups and are strict on credit expiry time.